The rising sun, filling mornings with beautiful light, can keep individuals safer than at night, allowing many to feel more comfortable traversing through public spaces. In the evenings, with decreased visibility and potentially suspicious people wandering nearby, the possibility of accidents and crimes can increase. Dark nights can increase anxiety, especially for New Yorkers who may be crossing through Central Park on their way home. 

While police officials have been assuring city residents that major crimes are on the downswing, recent police reports show an uptick in crimes being committed in this large, green oasis. The New York Police Department (NYPD) has confirmed a spike in recent criminal activity in the park, with ten robberies reported already this year versus two reports last year during the same time frame. Some of these crimes, while still in the later evening, are occurring at 8 p.m., a more unexpected time for violence.

Central Park criminals are proving that status and fame play no part in who is attacked. Suffering minor injuries from a recent attack, a 39-year-old woman was assaulted near 64th Street and Center Drive in Central Park by a man who hit her in the back with a hammer. In addition to this assault, police have confirmed that two robberies have taken place within recent weeks, a 38-year-old man was robbed at gunpoint and, while sitting on a bench, two individuals were robbed at knifepoint. Both robberies have been established as connecting to the same group of teenagers, but no arrests have been made.

Criminals in Central Park are moving beyond the everyday passerby. Recently, John Cardoza and Michael Stuhlbarg, both actors, have been assaulted in the park. These names are recognizable to many, with Cardoza and Stuhlbard having an impressive Broadway track record.

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Cardoza is currently appearing in the Broadway production of The Notebook, and he recapped his assault, stating, “It started out with him just asking for a dollar… I offered to buy him lunch because I didn’t have cash on me, and it escalated from there very quickly.” While the actor has expressed that he is okay, he shared his story because, after the incident, the criminal made multiple attempts to use Cardoza’s credit card at nearby bodegas and grocery stores that experience high traffic. 

In a separate case, Stuhlberg was physically injured by a random attack near the Upper East Side of Central Park around 8 p.m. The actor was struck by a thrown rock, proceeding to chase down his assailant for several blocks until apprehended by the police. The man was later identified as 27-year-old Xavier Israel, and he has been charged with assault. While Stuhlberg suffered an abrasion on the back of his neck, the actor chose to decline medical attention and has already been back on the stage to perform in Patriots at the Ethel Barrymore Theatre. 

With growing concern about city crime, New York residents and tourists should make efforts to stay aware of their surroundings and other measures that can help keep them safe such as pre-planning their route, avoiding suspicious areas, wearing reflective clothing, and removing any distractions. At the end of the day, everyone wants to be able to move freely in the areas they call home, but it’s important to remain safe along your journey.