It might be unfair to point out, but your screen time is a problem. You should do something about that, but finish reading this first so that you know why. This won’t take long! Screen time has become a significant indicator of digital wellness or phone addiction.

“Excessive phone usage overwhelmingly impacts mental health and productivity,” says Jack Winston, CEO of BePresent, a company encouraging people to get away from their screens. “Half of the population isn’t getting enough sleep, and more than a third are experiencing increased anxiety. Phone addiction is spiraling out of control.”

It’s an important thing to think about, and if you have a problem, you should adjust your screen time for your overall well-being. These days, that might include a phone app or AI coach to help with screen time reminders or (in the case of the BePresent app) even offer rewards to incentivize a healthier relationship with your phone. Here are three things you could do today to make a big difference in your digital well-being.

1. Create Screen-Free Zones

Pick a room in your home or draw a boundary and a screen-free zone. No computers, TVs, or phones are allowed! Make the place comfortable and appealing, and fill it with activities like reading or making conversation. Or make your dining table a no-phone zone, a simple rule to create time and space for you and your loved ones to see one another outside of the glow of your backlit screens.

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2. Set Time Limits on Devices

Many phones and other mobile devices come with built-in features that let you set daily screen limits. This also includes gaming consoles and individual apps, sometimes burying these options in parental controls. Your social media activity could use some of the strictest time limits. Do you need more than half an hour of scrolling to know what’s going on?

The BePresent app could be your best friend when controlling your scrolling. This free app makes it fun and easy to limit screen time, letting you set your goals and presenting awareness notifications to keep you inside them. The app also enables you to network with friends and family so you can keep one another accountable if you want to keep your inner circle involved, or you can earn points, badges, and a place on the leaderboard if you prefer encouragement on a broader scale.

3. Schedule Screen-Free Activities

Most things get more manageable if you plan them, which is valid for putting down your phone and investing more time in yourself. Your non-digital activities can be whatever you find most stimulating: getting outdoors, engaging in hobbies like art and music, or cooking something up for your family. You might have some luck pairing this time with other healthy activities, like exercising or learning new skills.

One great time for a screen-free hour is before bed each night, as getting away from devices is already a big part of most advice on sleep hygiene. The blue light emitted by TVs, monitors, and other digital devices leaves your mind confused about whether to get ready for bed or stay sharp and awake. Putting your devices away and turning to a physical book instead will help you switch into sleep mode and, ultimately, get a better night’s sleep.

Let Technology Help You Get Off Technology

Maybe you’ve got impressive self-control and turn off your devices whenever you want without a problem, but many people benefit from gentle reminders and incentives to help them along. Being mindful can be hard sometimes, but AI coaches and apps like BePresent, designed to remind you and keep you accountable, can make a big difference in following through with your new mindset.

Take a few minutes to reflect on your screen time and digital habits. Could you benefit from any of these strategies, a reminder app, or a change in your daily routine? Take your digital wellness seriously, and you’ll be surprised by how quickly you will benefit. Take steps today, whether setting a new rule for yourself or downloading a reminder app.